Friday, October 29, 2010

Goodwin's Theory - Ms Georgiou

I will be analysing Britney Spears's music video 'Womanizer' and applying the seven points of Goodwin's Theory were necessary. Goodwin's Theory consists of seven points, these include the following;
  1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics.
  2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals.
  3. There is a relationship between music and visuals.
  4. The demand of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work. 
  5. There is frequently reference notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
  6. There is often intertextual reference.
  7. Whether the video is primarily performance, narrative or concept based and how elements of each is used within.
Below is the video 'Womanizer' by Britney Spears;

Genre characteristics can be defined as the different elements that come together in order to make a music video. These different elements can then be used to identify what type of category the music video falls under. The video 'Womanizer' follows many different aspects of the Pop genre which the artist Britney Spears is known for within the music industry.

These different elements include the use of costume, lyrics, dancing, the artist being well known within the Pop industry as well as the overall feel of the music video that is portrayed to consumers of being a Pop video. The different costumes throughout the video that are used show that the artist is outgoing and likes to be involved with the production and making of the music video no matter what costumer she has to wear. This is another thing that draws in consumers and makes them want to know about the artist and the music they produce. In conclusion to this genre characteristics enable the audience to relate to the song and create a link between the artist and the genre there music is made to appeal to.

There must also be link between lyrics and visuals so that consumers have the correct perception of the artist and the music they produce for a mass audience to see. Lyrics and visuals must link in together for any music video to make sense. For example if the music being sung by an artist is sad and is about love, relationships and breaking up then to target a mass audience consumers would expect to see something on screen that the lyrics can relate to. For example; a male and a female having an argument, this will then give a clear indication that something is not right which can then be related back to the lyrics in the song. By doing this it also makes the song more emotional as the audience will experience what the lyrics are about and not only what order to words are put in.

Moving on, music and visuals also play a big part in any successful music video and is similar to lyrics and visuals. However, music and visuals is more focused on the use of instruments and what consumers can hear in relation to different tones throughout the music which again also sets the scene for any video. As well as this if music and visuals do not relate then consumers will become confused with what they are watching and may not watch any other material produced by that artist. This will then lead into word of mouth on the different thoughts of the video and in the long term may effect sales and viewings. In Brtiney's video above lyrics and visuals match as well as music and visuals this is because as the song goes on the audience are able to see the narration behind the lyrics and the acting which makes the video seem real. In conclusion to this Britney Spear plays all the different female roles in the video and acts out the name of the song which is 'Womanizer' this makes the song easy to relate to and will attract a wide target audience.

Record labels will include lots of close ups of the artist they are filming for a music video. The reason for this is so that the audience can be clear who the performer is and what song they have just released. In any music video where the artists are playing a role close ups are a form of identifying an artist and showing off what they have just produced. In the video above there are many close ups of the artist and throughout all of her work this has been demonstrated so that a link can be made between the artist and the music they produce. For example in the video above a close up is shown of Britney as she is acting each one of the female roles. This allows the audience to see where the artist is at all times throughout the video.

In many videos producers display the female body of an artist in a voyeuristic treatment. By doing this as a female artist will not only appeal to females who aspire to be like her but it will also attractive the male market for the apperance of the artist. Throughout the video Britney is shown naked as herslef as quick cuts to break up the different shots in the video.

As well as this intertextual referencing is used to promote different items that have been released. An example of this is in the video a Nokia phone is being promoted as there is a particular shot that displays the phone. This is done in agreement with the producers and managers of the artist as well as with the designers and promoters of the phone.

Then finally, if the video is performance, narrative or concept based. This music video contains all three elements stated above. The video is performance based due to the artist taking part in the production of the video as well as acting out different roles in the video. It is then narrative based due to the storyline of the video which consumers are able to tell from the title of the song, 'Womanizer'. The video shows the same male throughout the video with different women all acted out by Britney Spears. This enables the audience to create a link between the title of the song and the acting in the music video. Moving on, the video is concept based as it is giving a message out to a mass audience which is that men are sometimes 'womanizers'. In conclusion to this the video is very successful with many viewings and sales figures behind the release.

1 comment:

  1. Christina, this shows an excellent analysis and understanding of Goodwin's theory and this is because you have referenced the main points with a good range of examples. Also the screenshots that you have included also help to show your understanding well.
