Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Analysing Album Advertisements - Mrs Fisher

FIFA World Cup Album Advertisement:

Above is another album advertisement I have analysed and is completely different from the Craig David advert in many ways.

Firstly I will be talking about the image on the left which is the album cover I will be looking at. It is vital that in any album advertisement the album cover is shown in order for consumers to know what the product being advertised looks like so that they can then go out and purchase it. Moreover, the image and colours used are very bright however still remaining neutral due to being able to target a wide audience. On the album cover in the top left hand corner it is clear what the name of the album is and the purpose for it which is for FIFA World Cup (football). As well as this on the bottom left hand corner there is a logo showing the official FIFA logo. This automatically allows consumers to make a link between the logo and the meaning behind the logo for what the album is promoting. In conclusion to this it shows the audience that it is for a good cause and is a sport in which many people get involved in as well as enjoy taking part in.

Following this the main image of the man with headphones on allows the audience relate to the music aspect of the CD as well as the sport side of it from the headphones being made out of footballs. This is done to capture the audience and make them interested in it so that they can then go out and buy the CD. On the bottom right hand side of the advertisement a 'Sony' logo is easily seen allowing consumers to get to know about the organisation that has put the album together. From the reputation of 'Sony' it will automatically symbolise success which will then again influence buyer behaviour.

The majority of the advertisement uses bold letters so that viewers are able to see what they are reading. This is an aspect that all designers of album cover advertisements need to consider before creating something that leads consumers to think different. Information must be clear at all times as it will allow them to have their own opinions on the advert being shown to them. The layout of the advert is very clear and shows the purpose of the album through the use of the chosen image. In conclusion to this the advert attracts a wide target audience from the bright neutral colours as well as the information being kept clear enough so that it is not misleading.

The album also includes the featuring artists on the CD as well as producers and performers. Finally, it is also clear that consumer have a choice in either going out to buy the CD or to download it. This allows the option that consumers can choose to best suit their needs which is why I think this advertisement is so successful. As a result of this I have to again take into consideration all of these elements when making my own album advertisement so that a wide target market is attracted to buying my product.

Bold font and is very clear/easy to read, good font size and looks attractive for a wide target audience.
The bold font catches the attention of viewers and the font type allows it to be easily read due to the size. Capital letters also make it stand out, however it is not overpowering and does not distract from other elements of the advertisement. The main sources of information are big and bold which suggests the importance of the information.
Style of Language (emotive)
The language used on the advert is informal as it is addressing the audience like a friend due to the first heading on the advert which says ‘listen up’.
This is effective due to the advert being attractive to consumers and allowing the audience to relate to the product through the use of language which draws in the attention of consumers, it also allows them to build up a relationship with the album cover as some people do feel strongly about football and the emotion behind it.
The image shown on the advert is the album cover being promoted through the advertisement.
The advert makes it clear what the album looks like in order for consumers to go out and buy the product. This then means that the colour scheme of the advert and the album cover have to be kept similar in order for the advert to make sense. As well as this the advert sticks to the football theme from the football headphones in the main image. This automatically makes a reference to football and can be seen straight away which allows the audience to acknowledge what type of product is being advertised.
The colours included in the advert are; yellow, orange, green and white.
The colours used throughout the advert are neutral but are still bright to attract the attention of whoever is looking at the advert. Again these colours as well as being bright are also earth colours which has a relation to football being played on grass.
The layout makes the information very easy to read and makes the audience look across at what they are viewing which many adverts are set out in the opposite format making the audience read from top to bottom.
The advertisement is easily read and does not give too much information away as it leaves consumers wanting to find out what the album contains.
The album name,
The release date,
What the album features,
And finally what the album cover looks like.
The information given to the public must be enough to make them want to buy a product, however it must not give too much away so that consumers feel they already know what to expect. This album cover has the correct balance as it leaves consumers wanting to find out more about the artist and the new release.

1 comment:

  1. The analysis uses the conventions of advertising to explore the effect of the advert, which you have dine with detail. You have specifically identified the use of iconic imagery of footballs that creates the relationship between the CD and the World Cup. Consider this use of imagery in conveying meaning in your own designs.
