Monday, November 1, 2010

Subculture Questionnaire - Ms Georgiou

1. What is your gender?

Male        ___

Female     ___

2. What is your favourite type of music genre?

Reggae    ___

Pop         ___

Hip Hop  ___

R’n’B      ___

Rock       ___

Indie        ___

Other (please state)    ____________________________________

3. How old are you?

1-17        ___

18-25      ___

26-30      ___

31-40      ___

41+         ___

4. What type of topic do you expect to hear in a reggae song?

Love       ___

Sex         ___

Relationships   ___

Lust        ___

Materialistic Items   ___

5. Who is your favourite music artist(s) or band(s)?

Please state   ____________________________________

6. Do you prefer a mainstream artist such as ‘Gyptian’ and ‘Shani’ or an artist that doesn’t follow any perceptions such as Lady Gaga?

Mainstream Artists   ___

Individual Artists      ___

7. Do you prefer watching music videos or listening to music songs?

Music Videos          ___

Music Songs           ___

8. Do you download music songs or buy CD’s?

Download              ___

Buy                        ___

9. How much do you spend on music a month?

£0-£10        ___

£11-£20      ___

£21-£30      ___

£31-£40      ___

£41-£50      ___

£51+           ___

10. Does an album/single cover artwork attract you to buy a CD?

Yes             ___

No              ___

11. What music channels do you watch?

Kiss            ___

Smash Hits   ___

MTV Base  ___

Viva            ___

The Box      ___

Other (please state)     ________________________________

12. Do you prefer narrative, performance, or concept based music videos? Please state why?

Narrative Based    ___

Performance Based   ___

Concept Based     ___

13. What record labels do you think are doing well?

Columbia    ___

Sony           ___

Universal     ___

Other          ___

14. Can you relate to the lyrics of your favourite song?

Yes      ___

No       ___

How?   __________________________________________

15. Do you prefer solo artists or groups?

Groups    ___

Solo Artists    ___

16. What do you think the interests and beliefs of ‘Shani’ are?

(Please state)    ____________________________________

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